Big Eyes - Almost Famous Review

by Manny Gomez

I first caught wind of Big Eyes when I saw  their show at Miami's Eve in November of 2012. I had decided last minute to check them out after a 12 hour work day. Blown away by their power-pop/pop-punk fusion, giddy attitude and super catchy melodies (think a little Replacements, a little Ramones, and a big dose of the Fastbacks), I plopped down all the cash I had left and picked up their most recent 7 inch (Back From The Moon). I also danced my tired ass off at the show like a teeneager. I took the record home and played that thing relentlessly for a week.
The band's new LP, ALMOST FAMOUS (out on the excellent Grave Mistake Records) is no different, and even steps it up a notch. There's a self-assuredly "tougher" sound to some songs, some 70's rock riffage (Blue Oyster Cult anyone?) even comes in, but the melody and catchiness is still there, and is even heightend by some of the grit. ALMOST FAMOUS is all bout the it pop, punk, or straight up hard rock, it begs to be played loud and over and over again. Stand out tracks for this listener are "You Ain't The Only One" and "The Sun Still Shines". They'll brighten up any rainy South Florida rainy summer day.
Do yourself a favor and pick up this LP (as well as the previously mention 7 inch and the 7 inch repress of their demo tape, both out on Grave Mistake). This will without a doubt be one of the year's best releases and a classic punk rock album for years to come.