Coke Bust(ed) at Churchill's

by Manny Gomez

Churchill's Pub, Little Haiti, FL 

Coke Bust(On Tour)
Holly Hunt
Awkward Kisser
Suicide Ritual

Summer time means a lot of things in South Florida. Swampass, wearing as little clothing as possible, trying to stay submerged in water, and of course an increase in awesome touring punk rock bands. So that is how I found myself stoked and pumped on a muggy Sunday night to see one of the, in my opinion, highlights of the summer touring season.
First off was Suicide Ritual. Picking up brews and the crew made me slightly late, so I only caught 2/3 songs from the recent locals. What I saw and heard sounded short, fast, and loud. In other words very fucking good, and I surely hope to catch a full set soon.
After some slight microphone issues, Miami grinder's Terrorist took the stage and blasted through a fast set that was their best yet, wIth the singer Daniel Zambrano's vocals finally sounding high enough and just right. I hadn't seen them in a while, and all I gotta say is they got me thrashing for a few songs at least and made me spill my (first) beer of the night. Along with playing a couple new songs, they also added a new fresh faced 18 year old guitarist who simply shredded. As I said before, Terrorist just gets better every time and I think we all look forward to some kind of release soon ("ahem", right dudes?).
Unfortunately, catching up with friends and raising my intoxication level outside caused me to miss Awkward Kisser (who just got back from their first tour together with fellow locals Testökra). But I could hear their brand of noise rock from outside, and although they were missing two key members (bassist Bootsie and guitarist Jesus). I'm sure they played their usual set that kept the crowd both hypnotized and shocked.
Local heroes, and heavy sound making duo Holly Hunt played next, and as per usual left the crowd, deaf, sweaty, enthralled, and riled up.They even sparked the nights first crowd surfer (and other things were being sparked in the audience as well, another usual at a HH set so smoke it if you got it). Holly Hunt is with out a doubt one of Miami's best musical acts in any genre, and they're stripped down, crushing taking on stoner and sludge is something not to be missed any time. Check out their double LP "Year One" out now on Other Electricities Records.
FInally Washington D.C.'s Coke Bust unceremoniously took the stage, lead singer Nicktape casually tying his trademark bandana on his head. They ripped right into a FANTASTIC set that featured new songs, old songs, and a Youth of Today (I think) cover as well. The crowd was very much vibing with the band, and a constant pit was going, with stage dives, pile ups, and crowd surfing thrown in. I know I was drenched in sweat (not all of it my own), always a good sign of a band doing their best.
If this show is ANY indication of the vibe and energy we are gonna have at all the shows this summer, then we're in for a good one. Fuck the heat (not the team) and humidity, cut some off the legs and sleeves of some of your clothes, and rage in a sweaty pit. WE're off to a good start.